The supply and marketing cooperative is the important body of constructing the commodity circulation network of the countryside. 供销社是农村商品流通网络建设的重要主体。
Yves Bonte, Basell senior vice president for global supply and marketing, called the CSPC's cooperative spirit and teamwork as'extraordinary '. 巴赛尔全球供应和市场高级副总裁,认为中海壳牌的这种合作和团队精神“非同凡响”。
It is the principle of the supply and marketing cooperative to face the countryside and serve the peasants. 供销合作社的方针是面向农村,为广大农民服务。
Though small, the retail shop of this supply and marketing cooperative has a complete range of articles of daily use for supply. 该供销社下属商店,店虽不大,但生活用品却品种齐全。
How did the supply and Marketing Cooperative propel sysytem innovation? 供销社如何有效推进体制创新?
An Economic Analysis of Institutional Transformation in Supply and Marketing Cooperative& With a Perspective of New Institutional Economics 供销合作社制度变迁的经济学分析&新制度经济学的视角
But numerous rural basic units are still in the predicament, become the weakest link of the whole systematic reform and development of supply and marketing cooperative. 但众多的农村基层社仍处于困境,经营惨淡,生存艰难,甚至在有些地方出现了组织萎缩,成为整个供销合作社系统改革发展的最薄弱环节。
The reform of state-owned enterprises is a key point of Chongqing's reform and development, of which the supply and marketing cooperative is a important and difficult one. 国企改革是重庆改革和发展的重点,供销合作社又是国有企业改革的一个重点和难点。
Advance four to transform Structure three major networks of supply and marketing cooperative 推进四项改造构建供销合作社三大网络
Structure the new frame of development of supply and marketing cooperative 构建供销社发展的新框架
This article has summarized several kinds of reverse logistics systems of discarded and used household appliances in China and summed up three kinds of systems, including Folk recycling system, Electron garbage disposal center system, Supply and marketing cooperative/ The commodity recycling center system. 本文的主要贡献在于,对目前我国废旧家电逆向物流中存在的几种体系进行了总结,归纳出三种体系:民间回收体系、电子垃圾处理中心体系、供销社/物资回收中心体系。
On Establishing Supply and Marketing Cooperative through Market in the New Times 论新时期市场强社的创建
The extension pattern with the supply and marketing cooperative as the main body has the advantage of retailing fertilizers, but the technical training to the vocational staff should be strengthened. 以供销社为主体的推广模式具有分销肥料的优势,但应对该系统的业务人员加强技术培训;
Second Creation of Supply and Marketing Cooperative ad Development of Country Economics 供销社的再造与农村经济的发展
The Supply and Marketing Co perative is the farmerseconomical cooperative organization, and its origin anddevelopment are connected with agriculture closely. 供销合作社作为农民的合作经济组织,农业和农村是供销合作社发展的基础;
The supply and marketing cooperative serves three an agricultural new method: Develop peasant's broker 供销社服务三农的一个新办法:发展农民经纪人
Inner Organization Structure Reform Pilot Study of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative 供销合作社联合社内部组织结构改革初探
JiLin Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative System Strategic Study of Developing Chain Management 吉林省供销社系统发展连锁经营战略研究
In the New Period the Localizations and Development of Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Serves for Rural and Agriculture and Farmer 新时期供销合作社在服务三农中的定位与发展
Build the new action of the annual supply and marketing cooperative of market of Yichang of the beginning of well-to-do society all-sidedly: Six insist on 全面建设小康社会开局年宜昌市供销社的新举措:六个坚持
Supply and marketing cooperative is a concrete manifestation of economic organizations. The entrance way 、 management system and operational mechanism are clearly requirements on the charter of Co-operative Society, which has the advanced nature in theory. 供销社是合作经济组织的一种具体表现形式,合作社章程对其入社方式、管理体制和经营机制都有明确要求,具有理论上的先进性。
According to the three plates each have special sections for targeted problem analysis and countermeasure research, specifically: one, that company of various supply and marketing authority to assume from the functions of rural cooperative economic organization. 针对三大板块各自所具有的部门特殊性进行有针对性的问题分析与对策研究,具体为:一、研究认为各级供销社机关要承担领办农村合作经济组织的职能。
Supply and marketing cooperatives, as the delegate of Chinese agricultural cooperatives, join the International Cooperative Alliance. 供销合作社作为中国农民合作社的代表加入国际合作社联盟,成为国际合作的重要力量。